
Friday, August 2, 2013


I have become addicted to DIY projects.  I know I am not alone when I say Pinterest now takes up a good chunk of my free time (when I do have some).  Not only do I love Pinterest for school ideas but also the DIY projects and recipes.  My husband and I are usually pretty good and make a recipe off of Pinterest once a week or every other week.  I have also made some really cool DIY projects throughout our house.  In fact, most of my daughter's nursery was from ideas off of Pinterest!  Also, just to prove my addiction to Pinterest, my friends and I have a Facebook group where we plan get-togethers to make projects off of Pinterest and share DIY projects we do on our own...

I thought I would share my latest DIY project I did last week.  It took me all of 10 minutes with a little bit of help from my husband.

Here is the hair bow organizer I made for my daughter.  I got so sick of digging through a basket of hair bows to find the one I am looking for.  So, I made an organizer for her room.  I know I have seen variations of this on Pinterest but never really saw anything I liked so I just made it up as I went.

I took a white canvas and covered it with Chevron fabric (I LOVE chevron) and then I wrapped two different colors of pink ribbon around it.  I used a staple gun to put everything on, used my husband as an extra set of hands and...viola, I'm done!  I have it hanging next to her changing table and it has proven to be more useful than I ever thought it would be.

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