
Monday, September 26, 2011

Moving Monday...Community Builder Activity

Welcome to week 3 of Moving Monday!

This week I have decided to highlight a community building activity.  Students have been in school for a couple of weeks now and they are beginning to feel more comfortable in their new classroom, with their peers, and with their teacher.  Most teachers do not continue to do community building activities beyond the first week of school, but as students become more comfortable with each other these activities can again be beneficial for the classroom community.

This week's activity is a play off of the old "Telephone" game we all played when we were younger.  Students pass compliments to each other while playing a familiar game.

Let me know how it works in your classroom and with your learners!

From: Udvari-Solner, A. & Kluth, P. (2007). Joyful learning. Active & collaborative learning in the inclusive classroom. Corwin Press. See for related content & ideas.

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