
Monday, September 12, 2011

Introducing...Moving Monday

Hello and Happy Monday!  Today I would like to officially kick-off Moving Monday! 

Each Monday I will be presenting a different Active Learning Strategy to get your students up and moving in your classroom and to help promote differentiation in the classroom.  I heard a statistic over the summer that really made me think twice about the way I teach...elementary students are only able to concentrate and pay attention for 5-7 minutes at a time before they are unable to take in any more information.  That is not very much time, so I decided to start Moving Monday to help teachers incorporate Active Learning into their classrooms to get their students up and moving while learning at the same time.  Please try these strategies in your own classroom, then come back and leave me a message on how it worked in your classroom. 

Many of the strategies that I will be featuring will be from Paula Kluth and Alice Udvar-Solner's book Joyful Learning.  As I have said before, I have had the opportunity to see Paula talk numerous times in the past year and she has inspired me in numerous ways, I also had the amazing opportunity to have Alice has one of my professors at UW-Madison during my last semester.  She also has inspired me to make learning joyful in my classroom.

So, now I will get on with the strategy and stop talking so much!

Moving to the Music

Remember to please leave a comment if you use this strategy in your classroom.  I would love to know how it goes and how you would differentiate this activity to meet the needs of all of the learners in your classroom.

From: Udvari-Solner, A. & Kluth, P. (2007). Joyful learning. Active & collaborative learning in the inclusive classroom. Corwin Press. See for related content & ideas.

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