
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle!

Well it is official, I have started working in my classroom and WOW, I have a lot of work to do.  I was thankful that I had my sister Katie come with me and help begin to organize my classroom.  I moved classrooms again this year so this is the third time I am setting up my classroom in 3 years.  It took us all Friday morning just to organize my Guided Reading books, but on the bright side, that was probably one of my biggest jobs and now its done.  While organizing the books, we finally decided on a theme for my classroom this year, Jungle and I am so excited.

I have never had a theme for my classroom before and I am excited to have a theme for the whole school year.  I plan on incorporating the Jungle theme into as many things as possible as I prepare for the school year and have already started today with my Summer Welcome Letter and Student Information Sheet which I will post later.  Now I just have to decide on how to decorate the classroom as a jungle without being too overwhelming and overstimulating for the students, especially since I have a student with autism on my caseload.  I will post before and after pictures of my classroom and hopefully you will not even be able to recognize that it was the same room.

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